Matt 6:19-34

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Home > The New Testament > Matthew > Chapters 5-7 > Verses 6:19-34
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  • Matt 6:19-7:12. This seems to mark a new section discussing applications and insights to the ideas already mentioned in this sermon.
  • Matt 6:19: Treasure. In this verse the Lord tells us not to lay up for ourselves treasures upon the earth. Compare this to Jacob 2:19. At first glance it may appear that these two verses contradict each other. Verse 19 here seems to say that we shouldn't be rich at all; in contrast Verse 19 of Jacob 2 says that if we first have hope in Christ than we can (or should?) seek riches to help the needy. The contrast, though, is superficial if we examine the Lord's words here carefully. Note that verse 19 here prohibits people from "laying up treasure for themselves" (emphasis added). The key point is the intention of the person acquiring wealth. Is the intention to help the needy as in Jacob 2:19? Or, is it to lay up treasure for ourselves?
  • Matt 6:22: Single. The Greek word translated as "single" in verse 22 is haplous, which appears in the New Testament only here and in the parallel passage of Luke 11:34. Its most common literal meaning appears to be "single" in the sense of being simple or uncomplicated (not in the sense of being alone). Biblical scholars have long debated what the word means here, and it has been variously translated as "healthy," "sound," "clear" and "good." Also, there are Hebrew (related to the Aramaic Jesus spoke) idioms of the "good eye" and the "evil eye" (see verse 23) that refer to people who are generous or stingy, so some scholars believe that Jesus could have been talking about generosity of spirit here. The Joseph Smith Translation interprets "single" as meaning "single to the glory of God."
  • Matt 6:22: Evil. The Greek word translated as "evil" in verse 23 is poneros and can also mean "bad" or "unhealthy."
  • Matt 6:25-32. This seems to mark a new unit of material. Note: in 3 Nephi 13, Christ directed these words only to the 12 Nephite Disciples, still they can apply to all.
  • Matt 6:25: Therefore. The word "therefore" used here seems to link this material to what has just been said, esp. in verse 24.
  • Matt 6:25: Stress. This verse seem to be saying that we should not be uneasy, anxious, or worry about the future. Presumably, these words are addressing a problem where people were indeed uneasy, anxious, and/or worried about the future, a condition we might think about in terms of "stress" today.
  • Matt 6:25: Life more than meat. Notice that this seems to echo Matt 4:4 where Jesus responds to Satan's temptation by quoting Deuteronomy, "man shall not live by bread alone." The gospels seem to repeatedly address the need for spiritual nourishment in addition to physical nourishment. In verse 33 of this chapter, Jesus admonishes us to focus on spiritual needs before physical needs.
  • Matt 6:26-27: God's care. The point of this verse seems to be that God can take care of us, and we should learn from these examples. If we allow God to play his role as Creator, he will take care of us and make our lives beautiful like the world around us. The idea may be building on Old Testament scriptures such as Ps 104:10-18 and Job 12:7-8.
  • Matt 6:27: Cubit. The word translated as "cubit" (pechus) can mean a short period of time as well as a unit of length, and the word translated as "stature" (helikia) can also mean "lifespan."
  • Matt 6:27: Taking thought. The verb (merimnao) translated as "taking thought" in verses 27 and 28, also used in verse 25, has as its most common meaning "to worry" or "to be anxious."
  • Matt 6:27: Raiment. The Greek word enduma, translated as "raiment" in verse 28, refers to a cloak or other outer article of clothing.
  • Matt 6:30: Oh ye of little faith. This expression is used four times: Matt 6:30; 8:26; 14:31; 16:8. The phrase is always used in reaction to his disciples showing intense anxiety about a situation where we also would be frightened.
  • Matt 6:31. This verse seems to be summarizing verses 25-30 and repeats the three questions of verse 25.
  • Matt 6:32: Gentiles. The word Gentiles here seems to be referring to those outside the family of faith (cf. verses 7-8 and Matt 7:11).
  • Matt 6:32: All these things. This seems to refer to the things listed in verse 31 (what to eat, drink and be clothed with).
  • Matt 6:32. Jesus seems to be offering a way to live that is challenges the lifestyle of the surrounding society. The many worldly things that can cause worry are juxtaposed against the one thing that should be spiritually sought (the Kingdom of God).
This teaching seems to be reinforcing the idea in Matt 6:8 where the "Father knoweth what things ye have need of, befor eye ask him."
Note most modern translations do not have the parentheses here as we see in the KJV.

Unanswered questions

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Prompts for life application

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  • Matt 6:19: Treasures in heaven. What are the treasures in heaven we need to lay up?

Prompts for further study

This section is for prompts that invite us to think about a passage more deeply or in a new way. These are not necessarily questions that beg for answers, but rather prompts along the lines of "Have you ever thought about ..." Prompts are most helpful when they are developed individually, thoughtfully, and with enough background information to clearly indicate a particular direction for further study or thought. Click the link above and to the right to edit or add content to this heading. →

  • Matt 6:26: What about the Son of Man? In Matt 8:20, Jesus says that "the Son of man hath not where to lay his head." What is to prevent us from worrying about being left without shelter like the Son of Man is left without shelter?


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  • Matt 6:24, Larry W. Gibbons, "Wherefore, Settle This in Your Hearts," Ensign, Nov 2006, pp. 102–4. Elder Gibbons said: "We cannot keep one foot in the Church and one foot in the world. One reason is the world and the Church are rapidly diverging. We will lose our balance."


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